PhotonAssay - Chrysos Corporation

What is PhotonAssay™?

Delivering faster, safer, and more accurate gold analysis, Chrysos PhotonAssayᵀᴹ is an environmentally-friendly replacement for fire assay on-site and in the laboratory.

How does it work?

Hitting samples with high-energy X-rays, Chrysos PhotonAssay™ technology causes excitation of atomic nuclei allowing enhanced analysis of gold, silver, copper and other elements in as little as two minutes.

PhotonAssayᵀᴹ delivers exceptional customer value

Quantitative results
in as little as 2 minutes

Better social and
environmental outcomes

Reduced labour
and operating costs

Enhanced accuracy
and precision

Improved occupational
health and safety

PhotonAssay™ at Ravenswood Gold

See how game-changing PhotonAssayᵀᴹ transformed the Ravenswood Gold Mine.

The Physics of Chrysos PhotonAssay™

Understand the science driving PhotonAssay’s success across the industry.

Download the latest Chrysos PhotonAssay™ presentation


Every sample analysed with PhotonAssayᵀᴹ means reduced CO₂ emissions and less hazardous waste. To date, we have achieved:

Reduced CO₂

Hazardous waste

Chrysos PhotonAssay™ around the world


What our clients say...

Simple sample preparation, fast turnaround times for high-quality results and improved outcomes related to health, environment and the community.

Wess Edgar, Chief Geologist for Kirkland Land Gold in Australia

PhotonAssayᵀᴹ provides a significant advantage where large assay charge sizes are required, particularly in coarse gold mineralisation.

Dr Simon Dominy, Principal Advisor, Novo Resources Corporation

PhotonAssay's simple process reduces waste, involves fewer people, requires less technical training and reduces the likelihood of error

Stuart Thompson, CEO, MSALABS

This award-winning technology is capable of rapidly and accurately scanning up to 500g of material at a time, an important capability when dealing with coarse gold systems.

Novo Resources Corporation, Operational Update October 2020

PhotonAssayᵀᴹ yields efficiencies around simple sample preparation and fast turn-around times. Additionally, as a non-destructive methodology, it allows samples to be used for other post-assay analyses such as environmental or metallurgical testing.

Dr Simon Dominy, Principal Advisor, Novo Resources Corporation

Check-assays using the larger PhotonAssayᵀᴹ method identified the existence of coarse gold, highlighting the need for larger assay sample sizes to be representative.

Chris Cairns, Executive Chairman, Stavely Minerals

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